The secret's out: Santa Catalina Panama Punta Break is a real challenge

The break is formed when seas running from different directions and pushed by differing winds set up a roll and waves that cross in weird directions. Even the locals in
Santa Catalina and on the Rancho Estero staff have trouble predicting just how things will break at this top location for those looking to surf in Panama.
Not easy by any means, La Punta is a challenge for even veteran surfers. When it became public, surfers from the world over flocked to Santa Catalina Island and queued up to wait their turns at trying La Punta. This gave Rancho Estero a real shot in the arm and helped the area economically.

Surfers also found out from the helpful staff of hosts and hostesses at Rancho Estero about other breaks that are equal to La Punta, or harder than the famed Santa Catalina Island break, because the staffers knew more about the local islands than anyone else. Indeed, they directed many surfers to breaks that they found on Isla
Coiba. Some of those breaks easily rival La Punta. They also knew locations of breaks on the many islands that made up the Coiba National Park.
If this turned out to be a surfer's dream it was because Rancho Estero's staff gave experienced surfers a chance to take on some pristine breaks that had not yet been surfed out. It was a real find, while they helped others keep their place in La Punta's line. It wasn't hard to do; it just took building a staff that knew the area like no one else.